Key figures & Facts

Charter (format: pdf; Approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders - April 16, 2015; Agreed with the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - July 06, 2015; Date of entry on the state registration of the new version of the Charter in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - July 15, 2015)

Amendment No. 1 to the Charter of the Bank dated 06.07.2015 (format: pdf, August 08, 2017)

Information for the Shareholders

List of insider information (effective from 30.11.2021)

The representative office of Evrofinance Mosnarbank operates in Caracas (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).

Russian Accounting Standards.

(in million RUR) 2021 2022 2023 3m 2024 6m 2024
Assets 35 304 38 869 42 382 46 316 43 627
Shareholders equity 11 131 10 928 11 367 11 608 11 553
Net profit (loss) 323 246 554 570 802

Analytical Credit Rating Agency «ACRA»

  • Credit rating - A-(RU)
  • Outlook - "stable"

Rated on 18 July 2023

National Credit Ratings «NCR»

  • Credit rating -
  • Outlook - "stable"

Rated on 08 November 2023

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